No More Islands’ Differentiators:
- Thought leadership in the Canadian Health Care market as well as the TeleHealth/TeleMedicine, Electronic Health Records, and Distance Learning fields (Canada Health Infoway contributions).
- Senior Management experience in Ontario Health Care system, TeleHealth, implementations, Education implementations, as well as many EHR initiatives across the country.
- Industry analyst (IDC, Gartner, Forrester’s) recognition as a leading Program Integrator for IT Managed Services (Canada’s leading Managed Security Services Provider).
- In depth Security, Privacy, and Compliance experience to ensure patient privacy is securely protected in a PIPEDA/PHIPA compliant manner (CGI Global Security COE leadership operating in 14 countries).
- In depth Commercial ASP creation experience on a national and global level (GoC Secure Channel, Nortel, and CGI Commercial Managed Services)
- Active Member of Canadian TeleHealth Forum and Canada’s Health Informatics Association.
Resultant Client Outcomes:
Improved Time to Market
- Experienced Commercial Managed Service and TeleHealth/Health Records/Education implementers shortening time to market resulting in early adopter competitive advantage
- Program Integration experience shortens typical development process by initiating program and technology development initiatives in parallel
Reduced Risk
- Experienced Commercial Managed Service and TeleHealth/Health Records/Education implementers who have done it successfully before, greatly improving probability of meeting financial and service delivery goals
- In depth security and privacy knowledge to minimize any PIPEDA/PHIPA risks
Cost Effective Delivery
- Milestone based project implementation and outcome based service management leading to cost effective delivery
- Shared risk management provides pay-as-you-go cash flow management
Increased Adoption
- EMR populated PHR, Infoway Certification, and TeleHealth integration all provide competitive differentiators driving adoption
- Focused adoption program experience from other Commercial Managed Services and TeleHealth/Education programs critical